상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

[스크랩] 목요 Samba Routine (최종정리분)

살사 그리고...../살사 그리고.........

by 영상작가 신동희 2009. 8. 2. 11:01


***** SAMBA  *****            by  Y.J.Jung      2006.12 ~ 2007.4


***** A

1.  Whisk to LRL

2.  Lady Under Arm Turn to L

3.  Whisk to LR

4.  Lady Unader Arm Turn to R

5.  Fallaway Whisk

6.  Promenade Samba Walk (4 times)

7.  Side Samba Walk        (2 times)

8.  Shadow Botafogos       (4 times)

9.  Chiris Cross Volta             1a2a3a4  1a2a3a4

10. Botafogos  CPP & PP   (2 times)

11. Stationary Samba Walk  (4 times)

12. Continuous Volta Turn  L/R    1a2a3a4  1a2a3a4

***** B

13. Whisk to L/R

14. Corta Jaca                      S QQQQQQQQ

15. Natural Roll              (4 times)  SQQ

16. Closed Rocks to RLR

17. Reverse Turn                   1a23a4  1a2

18. Backward Rocks on RF & LF   SQQ SQQ

19. Plait                      (2 times) SSQQS SSQQS

20. Corta Jaca                       S QQQQ

***** C

21. Whisk to LRL

22. Whisk / Lady Under Arm Turn Ending Cuddle Action to PP

23. Forward Samba Walk              (2 times)

24. Rolling Off the Arm              1a2 3a4

25. Forward Samba Walk              (2 times)

26. Rolling Off the Arm Ending Closed Position   1a2 3a4

27. Samba Locks LRLR               SQQ SQQ SQQ SQQ

28. Whisk to LRLR (Man's 4th ; Kick Ball Change)

29. Contra Botafogos                 1a2 3a4

30. Roundabout to R                  1a2a3a4

31. Repeat   29/30(to L)

32. Stationary Samba Walk RL (Man's 2nd ;LF-Kick & Tap /Same Foot- 12)

***** D

33. Whisk to L

34. Whisk to R in Open Fallaway Position

35. Promenade to Counter  Promenade Runs   123456  123456

36. Continuous Volta                   a1a2a3a4

37. Maypole (into Shadow Pos.)        a1a2a3a4

38. Cruzados Walk & Lock             SSQQS  SSQQS

39. Rolling off the Arm (4th ;Closed Pos)  1a2 3a4   1a2 3a4

40. Return    ( Choice  A B C D )

***** Argentine Cross                    1a2 3a4 5a6 7a8  (Circling Lock Step--LR Sway)



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